Bots are the primary way of communicating between TG Suite and Telegram. The first thing you need when creating your workspace is to add your bots to the “Bots” page. If you don’t have any bots yet, follow official telegram instructions to create one at @BotFather within Telegram. Remember to add your bot to your chats and grant admin rights to make sure that everything works smoothly with TG Suite.
Adding a bot to TG Suite is easy. Navigate to the “Bots” page, click “Add bot” and add your bot token/key - which is obtained from @BotFather on Telegram- to the text field. TG Suite will fetch other necessary information for you and set up basic properties. You can also do further bot configuration before submitting the token.
Be sure to select "Internal" for community bots that service channels, groups, supergroups etc, and "external" for bots that are already being utilised by another service/API.
TG Suite offers a degree of Bot configuration. Configurable properties are as follows:
Data collection: Bot will collect some basic data from chats such as new messages and users, which can be later used in analytics. Note that data collection properties might be limited based on chat type, etc.
Invite links: Users can create an invite link by using command /invite
Custom commands: Create your own custom commands with text and image content
These properties can be created when first setting up a new bot, but also when the bot is already set up. No need to worry about getting everything right at the first attempt!